Friday, March 13, 2009

Attractive Reading?

Do you judge people based on what they read? It's something that I'll definitely admit to. When I see a cute guy reading in public, I always make sure to take a peek at the title of his book. Is it something I appreciate? Or is he reading I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, like every other college boy I've ever met. Evidently, I'm not the only one who does this. Over at The Guardian, they have an interesting article that asks: "What choice of reading material would impress you in a potential date - and which book would be a big turn-off?"

Evidently, some women think that men who read fiction are "too girly," while men would run from anyone reading a book with a pink cover. I'm not so sure about all that, but I do believe that reading material provides a decent insight into someone's interest. In this one case, I'd say it's pretty fair to judge someone by their book's cover.

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